Du papyrus hiératique au texte numérique

Project type
Young researcher fellowship
Scientific coordinator
Quentin Cécillon
Selected in

The project "From hieratic papyrus to digital text" aims to carry out the encoding and digital editing in XML-TEI of one hundred and fifty Egyptian literary and administrative texts from the 2nd millennium BC in order to propose a lexicon of Nilotic geographical and environmental terms.

The objectives of this project are : the constitution of a digital reference corpus in relation to the Nilotic environment, his tagging and his accessibility will allow for efficient and relevant research and navigation; the standardisation of the Middle Egyptian encoding systems; the provision of this lexicon and this corpus on the Biblissima+ portal, his enrichment will be made possible by the interoperability of the XML-TEI encoding.

This project is therefore intended to be the basis for future developments on the modes of transmission and evolution of writing over two millennia, thus contributing fully to the writing of the history of the transmission of ancient texts.

Illustration d'un papyrus manuscrit et de sa conversion progressive en texte numérique